Wednesday, February 26, 2014

48 hours later...

    When we were first told about this assignment, I was kind of excited.  Sometimes I get so sick of having a phone with me all the time when people expect me to answer it anytime they call or text.  The last few months I have had my phone primarily on vibrate only, so I can't hear it go off very often :)

     I started February 15th  Saturday night, which wasn't hard, as I usually put my phone in my room for the night around 7.  The next day I went to the parade of homes with a few family members.  It was nice not having my phone with me, people asked me for the time or to map directions and I told them I couldn't!   We did the parade of homes for about 8 hours, so it was easy not to have my phone with me.  After we got done with the parade, that night a few people sat and watched a movie.  I went in the other room with a few people and played some games, which was more fun anyway.

    Sunday we went to a few more houses on the parade of homes.  We got done earlier than yesterday, so I thought about getting my phone, then remembered it was at home!   When I got home I did think about playing words with friends, as its one of my favorite apps.  Then remembered I couldn't play.  So I grabbed a book and read for a while.

    It wasn't too hard for me to go without my devices for 48 hours.  I did miss checking instagram and playing words with friends. but other than that, I was fine.

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